产品描述 Description of the product:
This machine is a filling and capping integrated machine after many years manufacture experience in the company combining with the development of wine industry characteristics,mainly used for the wine filling at high temperature or room temperature,combining with instantaneous UHT ultra-high temperature sterilization system to automatically cycle work.This machine is designed scientifically and logically ,the system is perfect .The operation and maintenance are convenience,a high edgree of automatic.It can also be used for toher non-gas beverage bottle,filling and capping at high-temperature or room temperature.
This machine is a filling and capping integrated machine after many years manufacture experience in the company combining with the development of wine industry chara cteristics,mainly use for the wine filling at high temperature or room temperature,combining with instantaneous UHT ultra-high temperature stenilization system to automatically cycle work.This machine is designed scientifically and ogically,the system is perfect,The operation and maintenance are convenience,a high degree of automatic.It can also also be used for other non-gas heverage bottles,filling and capping at capping at high-temperature or room temperature.
设备组成 Description of the product
▲离位重力控制罐 ▲灌装机 ▲旋盖机 ▲回流控制罐
▲真空系统 ▲电气部分 ▲集中润滑部分 ▲管道
▲ High gravity control cans
▲ Filling machine
▲ Capping machine
▲ Retuming control cans
▲ Vacuum system
▲ Electrical parts
▲ Centralized lubrication part
▲ Pipeline
设备组成 Description of the product:
▲卸跺机 ▲对夹式冲瓶机 ▲冲瓶灌装封口机(黄酒) ▲上盖机 ▲CIP原地清洗机 ▲瓶外冲洗机
▲ 杀菌冷瓶机 ▲无压力输送及实瓶输送系统 ▲喷码机 ▲贴标机 ▲装箱机 ▲码垛机
▲封箱机 ▲高位重力控制罐 ▲回流控制罐 ▲真空系统 ▲电气部分 ▲集中润滑部分 ▲管道
▲ High gravity control cans
▲ filling machine
▲ capping machine
▲ Retuming control cans
▲ cuum system
▲ electrical parts
▲ Centralized lubrication part
▲ pipeline