性能与特点 Functions and features 该系列电脑直缝自动焊接设备可对付不锈钢、碳钢、铜、钛、铝等金属材料实施直缝对接焊接、工件不变形,无晶间腐蚀,单面焊双面成型,焊缝质量优异,自动化程度高,操作方便。适用于生产不锈钢制品、电热水器、太阳能热水器内外胆制作、洗衣机内桶制作等作业。焊件厚度0.6mm-2.0mm、2.5mm-8mm焊接速度连续无级可调。特别适用于承压式、加厚型、大桶径水箱的焊接。 This kind of the computer straight seam welder can do butt weld for me
tals including stainless steel,carbonsteel,copper titanium,and aluminium.It has featrres of butt-weld of straight seam,no work-piece deformation,no corrosion between crystals and one side weld,side forming excedllint qrality,high level automation and simple operation.The thickness of work-piece is between 0.6mm-2.0mm、2.5mm-8mm,welding speed can be adjusted co
ntionuoly steplessly.speically applicable for weld of compressing,buildup and large-diameter water tanks.技术参数 Main Technical Data