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首页 > 供应产品 > 国内高新科技的DIY 3D打印机用耗材 PLA 彩色
国内高新科技的DIY 3D打印机用耗材 PLA 彩色
产品: 浏览次数:719国内高新科技的DIY 3D打印机用耗材 PLA 彩色 
品牌: 万里行
厂家(产地): 东莞
牌号: 万里行
单价: 70.00元/千克
最小起订量: 12 千克
供货总量: 1000000 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-21 18:27
厂家(产地) 东莞
牌号 万里行
加工级别 热熔级
特性级别 高流动,高光泽,高刚性
销售方式 自产自销

在3D打印耗材,从事ABS和PLA线条生产已愈3年时间,在短短的时间内,我们逐渐成为中国供应3D耗材**大的厂家之一。我们有3条生产线,可以供应客户月产量达30吨规模,每月平均库存有10吨以上。Our company has been in this industry for over 2 years. ?? In that short time we have grown into one of the biggest filament suppliers in China. ?? We have the capacity to supply our clients with over 30 tons of products per month. ?? We have 3 production lines and 10 tons in stock on average each month. ??




Quality is a top priority! ?? All of our products receive a full quality assessment as part of our production process. ?? We run analysis on melt index, strength, elaticity as well as testing impact tolerances. ?? We also have a full research and development department. ?? This group is ready to modify/improve the properties of our standard products to match your company's specific needs.

Diameter is important controled index, we have show the diameter data on line and computer feed back,historial recorder and inquiry, aim to make diameter data of each roll and each point of line can be seen and detected, and ** qulified.

In the past some years, we built products standard,qulity standard,packaging standard,shipping standad,total standard produce and managerment, supply customers with standard and consistent products.

质量控制 Quality control

圆度控制 Roundness control

     圆度是指线条在挤出和垂直方向直径的比值,2个数值越近,圆度越好,我们经过长期积累和研究,将水槽冷却系统多次更新改进,将圆度控制在0.95以上,从而3D打印机上挤出时更顺畅,产品模型表面更光滑。Roundness mean two data of machine direction and verical direction, take the smaller one divide bigger one, the result is roundess. There are some experience and analysis show that ,roundess is closer to 1 is better,we do lots of work inlucude the cool system , make the roundess range 0.95 close to 1, make printing more smooth, and printed model smooth on surface.

直径监控系统 Diameter monitor system

    为了监控线条直径的实时变化,我们使用了测径仪和电脑系统,测径仪可实时反馈得到线条的直径大小变化,并且测径仪得到的数据并实时反馈和记录在电脑上,由电脑绘出指定时间(例如收完一卷的时间3-10分钟)内直径连续变化的区间,电脑统计得出的数据更能说明线条直径的趋势性变化,从而为调整和控制得到直观的判断依据。    电脑绘出的曲线后并逐笔将数值记录在电脑存储空间内,可以用于分析和日后统计,保证每卷线条的直径都是可视化和可追溯性。In order to monitor real-time changes in filament diameter, we use laser detect kit and computer software system, data will show on laser detect screen and transfer the data to computer ,form to a drawings curve in computer screen in a time which maybe finish winding one roll or more,the curve can tell what the diameter trend to and historial ,make a good guide for techinal worker how to make improvethe drawing curves will be recorded in computer for analysis and statistics, make each roll filament diameter can be seen .


控制和追溯系统 Control and trace system

为了线条的直径控制,我们有如下3种措施:For the diameter control, we have 3 methods:




For the diameter control, we have 3 methods:
1.we require worker cut one to two circle filament pack in bag stick to the standard packaging product, worker can test the diameter with caliper when doing each roll.
2.with laser detect, once filament diameter go out of the setting range, there alarm crying loudly to make worker sence take step to do dropping this roll or take step to improve diameter safe and alarm not sound;
3.we will record all the diameter data , store in computer, over 100,000 data each day ,with date and each batch number help to analysis and once get feedback from one customer, we will recall the same batch all data from computer.
打印测试 Printing test
对于每一批次生产的线条,我们会挑选2-3卷在3D打印机上进行打印测试,我们有UP,thing-o-matic,replicator,ultimaker,Mendel几种类型的3D打印机可供测试线条。For the each batch filament, we will test 2-3 rolls randomly from each batch, we have UP, thing-o-matic,replicator,Ultimaker,Mendel printer to test as with .

我们能提供 What we can supply我们有大量并且充足的PLA,ABS各种规格,分门别类,摆放整齐。we already do much colors PLA ABS,3.0mm and 1.75mm in stocks

包装 Packaging
我们拥有较多包装选择,标准包装为采用塑胶盘,卡槽加螺丝紧固,干燥剂,真空袋和纸内盒,外包装箱,12卷为一箱,也有5卷为一箱,标准统一的包装。we have some packaging spool for choose, each spool holded in a carton with a window you can see what color it is. 12 cartons or cartons held in one cardboard box. much care of the packaging make better avoid broken on international delivery.


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